Dan Hickey Rugby 7s and Netball Tournaments Return - 30th April!
Friday, 15 April 2022
After a 2 year Covid driven hiatus, the School have organised the Dan Hickey Rugby 7s and Netball Tournament for Saturday, 30th April!  The initial rounds will start around 1000 with finals in the early afternoon.  All Cathedralians are welcome.


A bar and BBQ should be available along with hot drinks with proceeds going towards school sports tours.  Should you wish to play in either competition, but have not been previously contacted, please email James Frost at JFrost@bristolcathedral.org.uk - he will be delighted to fit you in.

Directions: just drive along Beggar Bush Lane until you see the playing fields clearly signposted on the eastern side of the road.  Turn in where you will fine plenty of parking.