London Dinner 2022
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
Cathedralians gathered at the Royal Air Force Club for the 11th London Dinner on Thursday, 13th October. Numbers are steadily returning to the pre-Covid norm and we saw a number of first-time diners on this occasion. Indeed, Richard Hall had travelled all the way from Montana for his first London Dinner and left the following on Facebook: Really enjoyable evening great chatting to James, Rowan and Stefan and catching up on all the school antics.
The adventure continued afterwards when I joined a group at the downstairs bar fresh out of an aviation safety conference. Ended up meeting a Swedish Saab Viggen pilot, another Air Commodore (C130s not Nimrods), the chief test pilot for Rolls Royce and a three time commander of the space shuttle. Fabulous venue (well done Garry!). Made the 9,000 mile round trip over worthwhile and packed with amazing stories. When are the graduates from the 1980s going to show up though, only 2 of us were “representing”. As always the food and drink was outstanding and conversations carried on way after the meal. A list of attendees is attached: Attendee List |